The ASC driveway fund

90% funded

Though we’re accustomed to dirt roads in Vermont, we know that rain, snow, ice, and mud are factors when getting to our destination. But we don’t expect washouts!

At All Souls we want our patrons, congregation, renters, revelers, and first responders to be confident they can reach us at the top of our long and winding driveway without worrying about ruts and washouts.

This has been a long-term need, but now we are going to do something about it.

A local contractor has bid to pave the driveway in the Fall of 2022. But we need $60,200 to pay the contractor!


  • We’re here for the community!
  • We’ll take joy in thriving—through faith, art, music, theater, caring, and celebrating our lives.
  • Your gift will help make this happen
  • Funds raised that exceed the Driveway Drive goal will be used for driveway and building maintenance.
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Donation Total: $100.00