Message from the ASC President of the Board

“Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”                                                                       

– Francis of Assisi.                                                                  

Reflections from the President

Renewal as we come together     

It is Sunday evening and the newsletter deadline is tomorrow!  Last week was a busy one and the weeks ahead promise to be busier still.  The months go by so quickly.  So, feeling a bit tired but also seeking inspiration…  What to write?  

My mind wanders to worship themes this past month of love, pilgrimage, inner and outer journeys and finding one’s way.  I’m thinking about the Soul Matter’s theme of faith and renewal. It brings to mind the many possibilities that lie before us and the important part that each of us plays in realizing new opportunities. 

This week has included a number of All Souls meetings and events that give me much hope for what come next.  COVID cases are declining and the Re-Opening Task Force, Parish Council and Board have discussed and affirmed a plan to hold a hybrid service on March 13, with hopes of continuing in hybrid fashion if we have enough tech volunteers.  We will maintain COVID safety for those who join the service in person — masks worn inside, distancing seats by household pods, only brief periods of time when speakers are unmasked, no indoor coffee hour.  But it is an exciting beginning of in person worship opportunities.

Already, RE activities, the meditation circle, women’s group, some crafters, community meal prep, various committees plus other smaller gatherings are taking place in person. It is exciting to physically be together.  At the same time, we want to include those who join us from a distance or who prefer to maintain connection by Zoom.  Many of us have discovered that it can be very convenient to hold meetings by Zoom, eliminating travel time and concerns about driving in snow, ice or darkness. 

I anticipate that we will not return to old ways of doing things but are carving out new ways of being in community.

By the time you read this newsletter our Stewardship Campaign, with our theme “Embracing Possibilities,” will be in full swing.  I encourage everyone to consider a pledge or gift to the church which feels meaningful to you.  The financial contributions of our members and friends are our economic lifeblood — sustaining ministry to one another and supporting our service in the world as a Unitarian Universalist congregation.  Would it — could it — be possible for us to have 100% giving of our members and active friends?  I would like to think so.  

Our visions are large and we are continually renewing ourselves and this congregation as we live meaningfully and step into the future. 

With blessings,
