May Message from ASC President of the Board

Reflections from the President  

A Month of Activism & Compassion

Reflecting on this past month I am struck by the array of congregational activities and the responsiveness of All Souls members and friends to community needs.  So many stepped forward to coordinate an event, to offer a hand when asked, or to assist in any way possible.  The default response when asked was most often, “Yes!”

During April, we hosted a well attended and rescheduled concert to support the Community Asylum Seekers Project and our newest neighbors.  We hosted a Climate Change Evening with potluck, films and discussion to consider ways to positively address climate concerns.  We sent volunteers to support people who are homeless and in transition after unimaginable tragedy at the Morningside Shelter and we sorrowed with the Groundworks family and friends at a community vigil.  We sponsored and were represented at the NAACP Swords to Plowshares event offering hope in opposition to gun violence.   We sent postcards of comfort to those in need of compassion and support. Although we don’t have a formal Social and Environmental Action Committee, the idea that individuals will take action and bring concerns to our church community has taken hold. 

Throughout the month there has been planning for our Spring Clean-Up Day, including preliminary work to clear tree limbs scattered about the parking lot.  The bakers have been preparing goodies for our events and the crafters are steadily creating appealing items to sell at the Welcome Spring! Fair.   Many have contributed to thought-provoking services and beautiful music while others have led thoughtful discussions and fun activities with our children.  All the while, small groups, teams, committees and the Board continue to meet in order to share, inspire, plan and do.  There is so much more to touch on.  At the risk of leaving someone out, I am not listing names but am both appreciative and in awe of the energy offered by our collective community.  Not everyone is able to do all the activities listed above, but these many efforts are conducted on behalf of us all. 

Preparing for a New Church Year

We have two more months on our church calendar for this fiscal year.  The Finance Committee and Board have been preparing for the coming year which includes an analysis of this past year.  Ron Niswander has dug deep into our finances to craft a proposed FY24 budget that the board has approved and which he will review with the congregation at the Budget Review Meeting.  At our Annual Meeting we will approve this budget, hold elections, receive Annual Reports and celebrate our many volunteers.   As I write this, I know many are preparing reports for our Annual Report which summarizes an extraordinary year. 

So – mark your calendars…

  • Enjoy the Welcome Spring! Fair on Saturday, May 6. Volunteer, Shop, Mingle with Friends!
  • Come to the Budget Review Meeting on Sunday, May 7 after the service.
  • Please attend the Annual Meeting on Sunday, May 21 after the service.  If you are a Member and unable to attend, please reach out to Catie Berg, Clerk to request a Proxy.
  • Celebrate our successful Stewardship Campaign on Sunday, May 28 (date to be confirmed). 

Think Spring and see you in May!
With blessings, Leslie