December Message from Our President

Reflections from the President  

Reflections from the President
I am writing this before Thanksgiving but know that it will be read after the holiday. I hope that each of you has had a day filled with gratitude whether in thoughtful personal reflection or in gathering with family or friends. Perhaps time for both.

This is a holiday season and we are plunging into a series of special events. I am grateful for the All Souls community and the many people who are creating a very full December – preparing for the Holiday Bazaar, Art Gift Sale, Children’s Shoppe, special services, morning breakfasts, social justice activities, caring for others, building needs, multiple meetings and so much more. RE is planning a Parent’s Night Out event, our musicians may offer a Solstice gathering, some will gather for a gift exchange at the church on Christmas morning and many of us will share pancakes and games on New Year’s Day. Our ideas and energy seem to overflow during this often busiest time of the year.

I do want to share a few updates from the Board. We have renewed our rental with the Spring of Hope Church of God in Christ which will continue to worship in the chapel on Saturday mornings. On the eve of our first real snow we have hired Hannah Ruth Brothers to clear walkways and ramps at the church. Please greet her if you see her outside with shovel or sand. We are pleased that the diseased trees on the West bank, overhanging the playground area have been removed. This concern was flagged during our landscape design and was a safety measure to protect both the playground and building. We anticipate that grading will improve the parking lot for the winter season. We are continuing to look at building needs and issues related to rentals. We have approved locking the piano keyboard which is used by both congregants and renters. This is a valuable instrument and potential users will need to put in a request for use at the office so we can monitor usage. The Board will hold our annual retreat in February. The agenda is being shaped so let us know if you have issues you want the Board to consider.

Like many, I continue to watch the news with hopes that wars will end and that dialogue for peace will begin. The work of a faith community is to envision and act for peace and justice.
With holiday blessings, Leslie