“Home Again”

Our service on the first Sunday in December celebrating Groundworks Collaborative, with whom we share our offerings for the month, has become an annual ASC tradition. Join guest speaker Josh Davis in his last official appearance as Executive Director, as well as musician Alouette Iselin, who will lead us in her two beautiful songs for the season. Greeter: Carla Fogg

We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols

“Home Again”

Guest Speakers: Josh Davis, Peter Elwell
Service Coordinator: Karen Tyler

Greeter: Carla Fogg

Order of Service
Sunday, December 3, 2023

Gathering Music   Una limosna por el amor de Dios

Board Welcome & Announcements                                              Carla Fogg

Prelude     An alm for the love of God  
Agustín Barrios Mangoré (1885-1944)
Tom Baehr,  Eva Greene

Chalice Lighting                                                                           Jamie Gibson
In this small flame dwell the beacon light of lanterns guiding travelers home; the warmth of hearth fires tended through the generations.  May these blessings be kindled in each of us.
–Jean L. Wahlstrom

Lighting Our Children’s Chalice
We light this chalice to celebrate Unitarian Universalism. We are the church of the open minds. We are the church of the helping hands. We are the church of the loving hearts.

Anthem: “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
poem by Robert Frost, music by Elliot Z. Levine

                   All Souls Church Choir, Tom Baehr, Director

Opening Words                                                                                Karen Tyler

Story for All Ages:  “December”  by Eve Bunting, read by Ellie Weiss

Hymn: Until the Dark Time Ends by Alouette Iselin, led by Alouette

Until the Dark Time Ends
by Alouette Iselin

1. Now is the dark time and the cold time too,
Gather round, circle of friends
The comfort of singing voices will see us through,
Until the dark time ends.
Until the dark time ends,
Until the dark time ends.
We need the comfort of singing voices,
Until the dark time ends.

2. We give each other company,
Gather round, circle of friends
Singing in sweet harmony,
Until the dark time ends.

3. In a cage of bone we keep our wings,
Gather round, circle of friends
If we would fly, then we all must sing,
Until the dark time ends.

Offering Presentation: Groundworks Collaborative, Josh Davis, Outgoing Executive Director, Peter Elwell, Interim Executive Director

Offertory   Berceuse  Leo Brouwer
Eva Greene, piano

Reflections on Joys and Concerns                                               Karen Tyler    
“Love Is Our Greatest Purpose”
We affirm that love is our greatest purpose.
Accepting one another is the truest form of faithful living.
The search for truth is our constant star.
We pledge our hearts, minds, and hands:
To challenge injustice with courage;
To find hope in times of fear;
And to live out our values every day as a beloved community.
Thus do we covenant with each other and with all that is sacred in life.
(Adapted from Jay Abernathy)

Closing Hymn:  Solstice Song by Alouette Iselin, led by Alouette

Solstice Song
by Alouette Iselin

Let me come in and share your light
for I’m without a friend tonight.
Let me come in and share your light
and a warm place by your fire.

1. It looks so golden warm within
sheltered from the winter wind,
songs and laughter, friends and kin
have brought me to your door.

2. Open your door, for here I stand
my only gift is my empty hand,
an empty heart and broken plans,
this dark day of the year.

3. I am without a home today
and soon I will be on my way.
I only ask you to let me stay
for an hour by your fire.

Extinguishing the Chalice                                                        Jamie  Gibson
We extinguish this flame, but we carry it in our hearts to lighten the darkness of winter and to bring hope to those who despair.

*Closing Circle “Carry the flame of peace and love”
until we meet again.”    (sung 2X)
                         *Please stand as you are able                            
Benediction                                                                                     Karen  Tyler
“You will fear the darkness only to the extent that you yourself are not providing light.”
– Marianne Williamson

Coffee Hour and Conversation