“Those Who Need Us Most”

Join us on this first Sunday of the month as we welcome Interim Director Scott Aronowitz of the Boys and Girls Club of Brattleboro, with whom we will be sharing our offerings for the month of April. Scott will talk about how the organization inspires and assists the young people of our community to realize their future potential, and how we can help.

We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols

All Souls Church

Unitarian Universalist

A certified Green Sanctuary and Welcoming Congregation

Sunday, April 7, 2024

“Those Who Need Us the Most”

Worship Leader: Karen Tyler

Greeter: Carla Fogg


 Celebrating 52 years at The West Village Meetinghouse
102 years as All Souls Church
with more than 200 years of Universalist and
190 years of Unitarian presence in Brattleboro

Gathering Music     Prelude no. 2  George Gershwin (Yo-Yo Ma, cellist)

Board Welcome and Announcements

Prelude Over the Rainbow   Harold Arlen Eva Greene, piano

Chalice Lighting 

 We are keepers of hope, holders of memory, storytellers and song weavers pulling on this thread of truth, this other march of history that might otherwise fail to find its footing: That life is filled with kindness, bold beauty, courageous compassion, sacrifice for the common good, and a wide willingness to embrace neighbors and strangers as kin. We are here to do the work of hope, remembering the past, remembering ourselves, imagining our most possible future for this life that teeters too often on the edge of forgetting: We belong to each other. Bring all you are, every shadow and every  light. Every hope, every fear, For this radiant hour: Come, let us be hope for each other Come, let us worship, together.

– Gretchen Haley

Lighting our Children’s Chalice

We light this chalice to celebrate Unitarian Universalism. We are the church of the open minds. We are the church of the helping hands. We are the church of the loving hearts.

Opening Words                             Karen Tyler

*Opening Hymn #146 Soon the Day Will Arrive

Story for All of Us    “Tiger-Tiger, Is It True?” by Byron Katie and Hans Wilhelm read by Ross Gibson

Anthem We Shall Be Known by MaMuse

Offered by All Souls Choir, Tom Baehr, Director

Offering Guest Speaker: Scott Aronowitz, Interim Director, Boys and Girls Club

Offertory  Intermezzo, Op. 118:2   Johannes Brahms  Eva Greene, piano

Candles of Joys And Concerns Karen Tyler

Hymn #123  Spirit of Life

Reading from Victoria Stafford

*Hymn #346  Come, Sing a Song with  Me

Extinguishing the Chalice                                

We are never complete. We are never finished.   

We are always yet to be. May we always allow others to be, and help and

enable each other to grow toward all that we are capable of becoming. Amen

*Closing Circle: “Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again” (2x)

Benediction:   Pull a thread here and you’ll find it’s attached to the rest of the world. –Nadeem Aslan

Coffee Hour and Conversatio

*Please rise in body or spirit