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“Turning Point”
Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 AM to join our online service
Order of Service
Sunday, Februaruary 6, 2021
Announcements and Board Greeting Catie G. Berg
Prelude: “Largo” from Symphony No. 9 (From the New World) Antonín Dvořák
Tom Baehr, harmonica; Eva Greene, piano
Chalice Lighting by Rev. Brian Kelly
“In times of darkness we stumble towards the tiny flame.
In times of cold we seek the warming fire.
In times of repression we reach for the lamp of truth.
In times of loss we pray for the comforting light.
In times of joy we light a candle of celebration.
Spirit of Life, as we kindle this light, help us find what we need this day.”
Opening Words Karen Tyler
Opening Hymn: “Lean on Me”
written and performed by Bill Withers (1972)
Reading: “Kindness” by Naomi Shihab Nye
Read by Mary Moriarty
Story for All Ages: “The Three Questions” by John J. Muth
Read by Bob Wyckoff
Hymn: “I Know I Can Go On” by Dennis Hamilton and Jeannie Gagne
sung by Jan Chaillou & Steve Squires; George Carvill, producer
Offering Guest Speaker: Suzie Walker of Turning Point Recovery Center
Inviting the Offering Karen Tyler
Offertory: “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” music by Bobby Scott
Honoring Joys and Concerns Karen Tyler
Reading: “The Laughing Heart” by Charles Bukowski
Read by Mary Moriarty
Closing Hymn: “The Storm Is Passing Over” Charles Albert Tindley (1851-1933)
performed by Dan Kasnitz & Eva Greene; produced by Dan Kasnitz
Extinguishing the Chalice by Rev. Scott Taylor
“Resilience is not easy.
Starting over is never simple/
And yet it is the work that leads back to life.
So trust that the seeds of hope are taking root,
even when the group is cracked and dry.
Believe grace is hiding just around that bend.
Know there is always a way forward.
even if it’s not the one you wished it would be.
the light never stay off, friends.
The world is too wild for that.
Life never wants to leave us behind,
for there is something unruly and loving at the heart of it,
that is always sneaking in from the side,
wanting us to take its hand
and dance!
So be on the lookout, beloveds,
as we go on our way.”
Closing Circle: “Carry the Flame of Peace and Love” (sung two times)
Benediction Karen Tyler
Coffee Hour and Conversation