Unitarian Universalist General Assembly Worship Service!

Click right here Sunday shortly before 9:45 AM to join our next online service.

UUA GA Service – We will have the unique opportunity to share in a Sunday Service with thousands of other UUs. For the first time the Unitarian-Universalist General Assembly (GA) – our annual gathering of UUs from across our congregations and across the world – will be a virtual event. General Assembly is happening June 24-28 and all UU churches are invited to join for the Sunday morning 10:00 AM service. The Rev. Joan Javier Duval, minister of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier, Vermont, is leading the service, along with the Rev. Mykal Slack, Community Minister for Worship and Spiritual Care for Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU), and Benjie Messer, Music Director at the UU Congregation of Phoenix who will lead the over 140 member virtual choir! I’ve also been told that Ysaÿe Barnwell and Emma’s Revolution will perform during the service.