December Message from Rev. Telos Whitfield


O doubter of the light, confused by fear and wrong,
Lean on the heart of night and let love make thee strong!

from the Heart of Night by Bliss Carman

Dear Ones,
Yes, may we lean on the heart of night and let love make us strong. We arrive to this season of lights once again, a time of traditions merging as we welcome the Winter Solstice, Advent and Hanukkah time all in these coming weeks. The lights, oh, the lights, be it candles lit with a real flame or sparkling lights draped on porches and homes and trees.  It always lifts my spirits to see lavish and bright decorations alongside the simple candle in the window. Fire and music to greet the winter solstice, homemade meals and time together. We anticipate our Holiday Bazaar – a grand event for the community! I, we want to extend deep gratitude for ALL of the hard work that this event encompasses – the beautiful wreaths and crafts that are created, the edible treats that are baked, the cards and gifts, decorations and books, spreading the word to all – it truly is a beautiful sight to behold. And All Souls is known for our Wreaths and Gifts, for this Bazaar has been a tradition of our community for decades, and is known far and wide! The simple gift of coming together, standing alongside each other offering these gifts to our community. I know I’m grateful that this tradition continues and Kathy and Marty, I Will be there to help! 

I believe that every Christmas Eve Service I have led over the last sixteen years, we have ended with the powerful invitation from dear Howard Thurman – “When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are home, when the shepherds are back with their flocks, the work of Christmas begins: to find the lost, to heal the broken, to feed the hungry, to release the prisoner, to rebuild the nations, to bring peace among the people, to make music in the heart.” He was a deeply faith-filled man, who worked diligently to bring people together across traditions, and believed in the call for simple justice. Not that justice is simple, but his words are echoed in our call as a faith community so we begin here, at All Souls and re-commit to nurturing the light in each other. We work to heal the brokenness within us, we reach out to those who are confused by fear and wrong, we nourish each other and spread the peace, and we sing and make music together! 

So, in this season of Lights, of family and friends, loss and wonder, I wish you a dear and Happy Solstice, a Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah, as we seek and bask the lights of our community, together!

With Gratitude and Blessings, Rev. Telos