“A Generosity of Spirit”

Why is it that at times, being generous can feel so effortless while at other times, it can be incredibly difficult? How can we nurture a generosity of spirit toward ourselves, each other and each one that we encounter?

We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols

“Generosity of Spirit
with Rev. Telos Whitfield

Greeter: Ellie Weiss


Order of Service
Sunday, November 26, 2023

Music For Gathering: Wilt Heden Nu Treden
Bob Wyckoff, trumpet (2021 recording)

We gather together in joyful thanksgiving, acclaiming creation, whose bounty we share
Both sorrow and gladness we find now in our living, we sing a hymn of praise to the life that we bear.

Board Welcome & Announcements                                       Ron  Niswander

Greeting & Call to Worship                                                             Rev. Telos

Remembrance Candle in Honor of Charles Henderson

Prelude in Eb, Op. 28:19, Frederic Chopin 
                     Eva Greene, piano

Chalice Lighting  “Day Break” Robin F. Gray, adptd.              Jody McAssey
As we kindle our flame, day breaks on our gratitude for family and friends,
For the freedom to find our own truth, for the company of those who gather here, and the promises we offer one another. Let the light of day and our flame bring grace and abundance into our lives.

Lighting Our Children’s Chalice
We light this chalice to celebrate Unitarian Universalism. We are the church of the open minds. We are the church of the helping hands.  We are the church of the loving hearts.

Anthem: There Will Come Soft Rains   
words by Sara Teasdale, music by Tom Baehr

                         All Souls Choir, Tom Baehr, director

Sharing a Reading                                                                            Rev. Telos                                                   

Opening Hymn #360    Here We Have Gathered

Story For All of Us  “The More You Give” by Marcy Campbell

Reflection  “A Generosity of Spirit”                                                 Rev. Telos

Sweet Gratitude For Our Community-A Cider Communion Ceremony
From Thee I receive
To thee I give
together we share
and by this we live.”           

Offering shared with Windham County Humane Society

Offertory:  Count Your Blessings    Irving Berlin
                 Eva Greene, piano

Honoring Our Candles of Joys and Concerns

Hymn #322   Thanks Be For These

Extinguishing the Chalice by Dan Ennis, adptd.               Jody  McAssey
As we extinguish our flame, we give thanks for the precious gift of another day. It is an opportunity to be of service, to grow from our experiences. It is another opportunity to be happy. We remember that we are one with Creation and one with the universe. We remember that we are one with Mother Earth and one with the Great Mystery. We offer our deep gratitude.

*Closing Circle: “Carry the flame of peace and love
Until we meet again.” (sung two times)
Please join in standing as you are able.

Benediction                                                                                        Rev. Telos

Coffee Hour and Conversation