“Love Can Transform”

We know that love has transformative power, can bring healing and solace, encourage peace and reconciliation, and can be life-saving. Let us honor and celebrate the transformative power of Love in all its forms! together! 

Click here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols for in-person attendance.When attending in person, please completely power off your cell phone during the service to preserve the Church’s WiFi bandwidth for our Zoom attendees.

“Love Can Transform”

Order of Service
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Greeting                                                                       Rev. Telos

Board Welcome & Announcements                        Carla Fogg

Prelude:     Chanson          Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
                  Eva Greene, piano

Chalice Lighting                            
We kindle our flame and recall these words that “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” May we feel the warmth and light of this community and know that we are loved.                       


Lighting Our Children’s Chalice
We light this chalice to celebrate Unitarian Universalism. We are the church of the open minds. We are the church of the helping hands.  We are the church of the loving hearts.

Call to Worship                                                          Rev. Telos                                                     

Opening Hymn #346 “Come, Sing a Song With Me”

Time For All of Us: “Wherever You Are: My Love Will Find You”
by Nancy Tillman

Anthem: “The Gift of Love” American folk tune Arr. by Hal Hopson

                   All Souls Choir, Tom Baehr, Director

Creating Our Bouquet of Love

Special Music  “Love Is Here to Stay”      George & Ira Gershwin (1938)
Catie G. Berg, soprano;  Eva Greene, piano

Sermon: “Love Can Transform”                  Rev. Telos

Song:  “Give Yourself To Love” by Kate Wolf
Steve Squires, guitar & vocal

CHORUS: “You must give yourself to love,
if love is what you’re after.
Open up your heart to the tears and laughter,
and give yourself to love,
give yourself to love.*

Offering shared with the Women’s Freedom Center

Offertory:  Solvejg’s Song   Edvard Grieg
Eva Greene, piano

Our Candles of Joys and Sorrows

Extiinguishing the Chalice  
As we extinguish our flame, the warmth of our connection lives on within and beyond us. Let us share the transformative power of love with all beings, those near and dear to us, and those far distant for we are all connected. May the strength of our light be felt.                             
Closing Circle: “Carry the flame of peace and love
Until we meet again.” (sung two times)
Benediction                                                                         Rev. Telos