Archives: Services

Ede Thomas Memorial Service

Monday, January 8th at 1 p.m. at All Souls Church we will gather with family and friends in a service, followed by a reception, to honor Ede’s long, amazing and creative life.

Our service will be filled with music offered by family members, members of the … read more.

 The Gift of Mystery


We will celebrate the last Sunday of the year by hearing Voices from the Congregation. In this service, several participants will read passages and reflect on the value that can be found in the state of not knowing, of accepting ambiguity and wonder.

We anticipate that … read more.

 “A Special Sharing Circle” 


Come to a gentle, jolly gathering for Christmas morning. Is there something in your house that you once loved, or maybe still do but you are ready to let it go? Bring it with you to give to another and receive a gift to take … read more.