Speaker: Trish Murtha

“Emerald Lessons from the Ancient Isles”

Far beyond the secular silliness some attach to St. Patrick’s Day traditions, there is a powerful, lasting legacy we might all garner from the myths and from the divisions of faith in Irish history. What significance from this Celtic holiday and its tenacious traditions can we attach to our wider faith journeys that perhaps carry lifelong meaning?   Worship Associates … Continue reading “Emerald Lessons from the Ancient Isles”

“The Promise of Balance”

What wonder is this greening, this promise from the Universe that the Earth is balanced, that renewal is more than possible! A service filled with the words of the poets and wise ones, traditions from native peoples who trusted that the rivers would swell, that the meadows and berries would give forth. Yet again we … Continue reading “The Promise of Balance”

Our Hands of Justice

Together, we reach out and re-commit our hands and hearts to the work of justice. Racial justice, equality and care for our GLBTQ and refugee communities, freedom for all people, and in these times of climate crisis, justice for our earth. May we live, speak and act through our values.  Click here Sunday shortly before 10:00 … Continue reading Our Hands of Justice

“Beauty—Behold with New Eyes”

We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols for in-person attendance.When attending in person, please completely power off your cell phone during the service to preserve the Church’s WiFi bandwidth for our Zoom attendees. How intriguing to … Continue reading “Beauty—Behold with New Eyes”