ASC Reopening Task Force – Notes from Meeting June 2, 2021


Leslie – work on survey

At meeting time, Vermont appeared to be only days away from achieving the 80% vaccinated milestone, which is Gov. Scott’s trigger for lifting all pandemic restrictions.  We thus expect to soon have no remaining government mandates. Leslie notes that the survey conducted during Annual Meeting showed our own population expected to be over 90% fully vaccinated by the stated July 4 target date.

The consensus is that when the state mandates are lifted, there is little reason for All Souls Church to continue with our own pandemic-related restrictions.  They can be simply rescinded and removed from the web site, but only after Vermont has officially lifted state restrictions.  Of course, the Task Force merely recommends; the Board decides.

This would mean that Rentals can proceed as they always have. If pandemic restrictions return, that is an uncontrollable risk that both ASC and the renters face.

There may be some changes in the way we do things to help keep risks minimal.  Such as being more mindful of opening windows for ventilation. We are fortunate in having very high ceilings and thus enormous volumes of air in most of rooms where people gather. Rooms are also seldom occupied for more than a few hours at a time.

The return of in-person services is less about the pandemic than about planning, logistics, and our transition away from the current Zoom-only model of holding Sunday services.

George (not present, for happy family reasons), had drafted a survey to gather people’s views on services being available on the Internet, with several general models of what that might look like. We talked about it. Leslie will work on revisions.

Leslie has begun rustling up volunteers for a something of a hybrid task force to look into the whole issue.